節分 ~Setsubun~
本日2月2日は💡 節分ですね👍 日本では、小さいころから行っている行事ですよね? 我々もお店に良い運気が来るようにお掃除をし、後は鬼に豆まきをするだけですね👍 ちなみに、時間帯は鬼が出てくる20時から22時が良いという事を知っていましたか? 日本では、節分のように季節を感じさせてくれる行事が多いので、 一年中ワクワクしますね😊 'Setsubun' is a traditional Japanese festival celebrated in February every year. According to the Japanese lunar calendar, we will start the spring season today. By throwing the beans, which we call 'Mame maki,' it is said the beans will purify and bring good luck to your house and family. Another thing we do is we eat a sushi roll called 'Eho-Maki' so that we will have a good fortune for a year. Eho is a direction to bring good fortune, as calculated by the Chinese zodiac. We could even buy the Eho maki at the convenience store! Please try out our culture if you are in Japan this year!